Monday, February 7, 2011

10 Months Old

Here are a few raw photos from the 10 month birthday portraits, and also some from the last week and a few from today's Nekkie Time. For your viewing pleasure. Enjoy :)

Sometimes, we don't even know why our moods change...but we go from eating

to screaming, in less than half a second. How come this is only acceptable if you're a baby?? (I know you're jealous).

It's nice to take a moment and bask in all of my glory...just like a man, I also stood at the window naked

and played with my tools.

Seriously, I was lucky I got him to look at me AT ALL during this session. And smiling? HA! Nothing I did could crack him, until I put the camera away.

**Just in case you're wondering, I do know his diaper is too big. Unfortunately, we ran out of the appropriate size, and I was lucky enough to have the next size up "in stock." A run to Target is on my never-ending to do list.


  1. Beautiful baby boy! LOVE the last shot. His eyes are stunning.

    Congratulations on 10 months, mama!

  2. Aw thanks, mamaleh!! Hope you're having a great Monday :) I *just* started the laundry that I was supposed to do yesterday :)

  3. too sweet for words! and what incredible eyes!

  4. Thank you, Dmarie! And thanks for reading :)
